Friday, June 1, 2007

Ian and Cal.

So, I was reading this article about the two owners of Wexley School for Girls, Ian Cohen and Cal McAllister, and I got really pissed off. Those are the dudes I saw walking out the door before we lost a pitch to them last February. I didn’t realize that was them. I mean those dudes? I thought they were supposed to be good looking and buff, like they rant about. Give me a break. They were pretty attractive, ok, yes they were good looking, but buff, please. Anyhow, I thought the Cal one had a moustache, but I had it wrong, the other one had a goatee, how lame. The Cal one has wavy professor hair. You know, I bet they are like, “Look at us, we have facial hare and wavy professor hair and own a girl’s school that’s really an ad agency, look how cool we are.” Whatever. Get over it dudes, Wexley is not as cool as you think you are. You may have woman swooning over you. You may get those free limousine rides I heard you get, but you will never be as cool as you think you are. Assholes

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